can find good theology in the strangest of places
"what if God was one of us
just a slob like one of us"
This is beautiful.
The essence of Christianity is the incarnation. Yet there is and has been pressure to make the incarnation less radical that it is. God becoming one of us.
The temptation present already in the early church to treat Jesus as perfect being with a mortal mask trivializes the doctrine. If there is a God, God can pretend to be one of us.
But that is not the incarnation. God became one of us.
Took on mortal form, became like you, like me. Jesus got hungry, got horny, got angry.
The taking on human form is the highest expression of love. It is an attempt at communion, at understanding.
It is a bridge of an ontological divide.
To feel what it is like to be a human being, to be a finite creature from the inside, to take on the burden of finitude and embodiment. These are great things for a God to do, beautiful things, daring, bold things.
Those of us who believe this might have actually happened should meditate on this. It, as I write now on a late Saturday night, just blows me away.